Welcome to the BioLargo Water Blog!

Welcome! You've found yourself on the blog of BioLargo Water, a life sciences company dedicated to developing uncompromising water treatment technology. Here you'll find updates on the research and development efforts of BioLargo Water, insights into the science behind the company's Advanced Oxidation System (AOS), articles on pressing water treatment issues, and highlights of our wonderful science and engineering staff. In short, this page acts as a means to connect the R&D team at BioLargo Water with the stakeholders interested in its success.

BioLargo Water is the developer of the Advanced Oxidation System (AOS), a revolutionary water treatment platform conceived to deliver incredibly high water disinfection and decontamination rates while consuming very little electrical energy. The goal of the AOS is to provide a powerful, reliable water treatment system for applications where other treatment systems are either prohibitively costly, or are unable to eliminate certain recalcitrant contaminants. 

Now, you may be asking, "Costly? Water isn't expensive, Mr. BioLargo Water! Why should I care about the cost of water treatment technology?" Historically, there would have been some truth to that - in the mid-twentieth century, water was a comparatively inexpensive utility in Canada and the United States. In modern times, however, the price of clean water has risen dramatically in response to frequent droughts, decaying infrastructure, and increased industrial water demand. In fact, between only 2010 and 2015, the cost of water rose 41% in 30 major U.S. cities, a trend attributed to droughts in populous states such as California and Texas, and the disrepair of distribution pipes and other infrastructure. The economics of water have indeed grown more dire in recent years, and are projected to become more so in the future, as emphasized by a recent report by Ceres that outlined water as a key risk factor for numerous industries in the near future. It is becoming abundantly clear that cost-efficient water treatment will be an important economic and social tool in the coming decades.


  1. إن نظافة المنزل تختلف من شخص لآخر فيوجد بعض الأشخاص الذين يعتقدوا أن نظافة المنزل تتمثل في التخلص من الاتربة التي توجد في المكان فقط، والبعض الآخر يرى أن هذه المهمة تعتمد على تعقيم وتنظيف المكان والوصول إلى أعلى درجة من النظافة وهذا هو دور شركة البيت الراقي بالطائف شركة تنظيف شقق ومنازل بالطائف


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